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Aug 31, 2020

Sermons 09/01/20 †

  1. Fill Your Lamps With Oil
  2. Your Soul Will Be In Grave Danger
  3. Religion Clean and Undefiled


Aug 31, 2020

Sermons 08/31/20 †

  1. The Life of Christ is Recapitulated in the Mass
  2. Habitual Aim: Feel Good, Look Good, and Being Good
  3. The Priesthood of Jesus Christ is ONE

Aug 27, 2020

Sermons 08/28/20 †

  1. Modesty of the Eyes
  2. Holy Matrimony
  3. Sins of the Flesh - The 6th and 9th Commandments

Aug 26, 2020

Sermons 08/27/20 †

  1. Women and Children First: Holy Purity
  2. Modesty: The Virtue That Guards Purity
  3. The New Dark Ages

Aug 26, 2020

Sermons 08/26/20

  1. Filioque - On the Mystery of the Holy Trinity
  2. The 5th Commandment - Thou Shalt Not Kill
  3. Plugging the Hole to Hold Back the Angry Waters